
Rig Rundown @ The Rose, Kingston 2013

We're now into our fourth year at live @ the Rose in Kinston upon Thames and its become tradition to not only go for a pre gig meal at GBK but also to have a [...]

New to the collection…

My new bass (named 'Leona') is a Fender Jazz Deluxe Bass which includes a passive/active switch for a whole range of tones! Amazing! Looking forward to jamming this out with DisCovered!

Epic update!

 It's been an absolute age since I've updated this site so I'm gonna announce here that over the next month or so we should be seeing plenty of posts! Falling Astoria are currently recording new songs [...]

Now on facebook!

Hey guys, Long time no speak! Just sorting out stuff behind the scenes, but now you can find me on facebook! Link below!

I rocked school!

So today I got my certificate through for passing my grade 8 bass exam..and I passed with distinction! I'm well chuffed, considering I thought it'll be just a pass/merit mark (but I guess we're all [...]


I'm currently setting up my blog! Guitarist/Bassist in London. Check out for the time being or of course see how the developments are going with this page as we speak!

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